
In the summer of 2011, I traveled to Sydney, Australia to learn more about my cousin’s independent business, an online organic yarn store called Ecoyarns. While I was there, I was exposed to the challenges that a small business owner faces on a day-to-day basis. It wasn’t until recently, when I learned about the Business Model Canvas, that I connected all of the different aspects of Ecoyarns to each other. Vivian, my cousin, and the owner of Ecoyarns, clearly has so much on her plate when it comes to maximizing revenue and cutting down as much cost as possible in the yarn business. The value proposition for Ecoyarns includes providing the customer with naturally dyed, environmentally friendly and ethical wool and fibres from all across Australia. While the yarn business Down Under is a competitive one, Ecoyarns’ points of difference, including hand-dyed, hand-spun wool, create a market of its own. The relationship Vivian has with her online customers is a close one, as her customers trust that she will deliver only the finest products straight to their door (another point of difference!). Australians and knitters all around the world are very lucky to have a source like Ecoyarns!


1 thought on “Ecoyarns

  1. Hi Cheralyn, I only saw this today! 🙂
    Hope you are all well and not too cold. We are hot here and getting hotter!!
    up to 40 deg in the next few days.
    Love, Vivian

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