Reply to : Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Employee Motivation by Yuwei Wei

This is a splendid post! I really liked it because you thought outside the box and instead of applying the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs for its usual marketing purposes you applied it to employees motivation. This is a great deal important because it wouldn’t matter how much products a company would be able to sell unless it was able to produce all those products and to do it in the most efficient way possible. For a company to maximize its profit it needs not only to increase the numbers of product sold but it also needs to decrease the cost of producing. This can be attained through employees because it is they, all together, that make up the company and it is their innovative ideas that will produce a more efficient confirm. To motivate employees to do beyond their job it is important to give them more then just the feeling of safety. In my opinion the company needs to make their environment feel more like a community where people can learn to work together and come up with better ideas then they would alone. As the company works up Maslow Hierarchy of needs they will see that their workers will become much more motivated to work and the results will be outstanding.

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