Information Technology

Now a days our community has grown into a global village, thanks to technology we can see a live broadcast of an eclipse happening in Australia on our cellphones all the way back in Vancouver. Everything is being shared online, what are your likes, what are happening, events, the latest video, our resumes and much more. This provides an interesting business opportunity, it answers many companies need to understand their market better. Lets take Facebook for example, right when you start your account it asks you to fill out information about yourselves, what is your favorite band, favorite books, activities, personal interest, age, gender, relationship status, family information and it goes on and on.

Here is this website that has 800 million active users all around the world having their biography, the ability to know where they are, and all their interest given to them by the users themselves. This presents an immense opportunity for companies to better target their current and potential consumers and to better reach them with news of their companies.

As an experiment I changed my interest on Facebook and almost instantly I noticed the change in the adds that would come up, these where more direct on my new interest, such as specific activities such as dance, or I would be exposed to new sales for a concert ticket of a band that I had liked their page and so forth.  Another way for companies to utilize tools such as Facebook is to create their own “like Page”, this enables them to see how many people they reached, what is the demographics of the people who are interested in their products among many things, all these tools enable the company to understand what their target market likes and what they should work on or eliminate.

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