BC leading in entrepreneurship

After reading a business blog in BC Business I was astonished to find out that nearly half of all business in British Columbia is are now owned by a single owner. BC is leading Canada in becoming a country of entrepreneurs, in recent study from CIBC discovered that half a million of Canadians have started to begin their own business. It is suspected that BC has become the leader of this movement due to the lack of big companies in Western Canada that hire new employees. With few big companies hiring people who live in Vancouver, or who recently moved to the province, starts their own companies that evolves around their own skills.

This BYOB – Be Your Own Boss- movement is increasing; a great 15 per cent of the labour force in Canada is in the BYOB sector, and a 46% of businesses in BC are soloist. Most of these companies are rather small, consisting usually of only 4 employees.

Entrepreneurship consist a lot of work and multiple trial and errors, to have this many people starting their own micro business or beyond is impressive. Taking some examples from class lecturers such as UrtheCast, it is obvious that a lot of planning takes place before launching a company. Formulating a final plan is crucial for a company to access finance that is necessary to fund a company. This funding can come from various places such as the bank, family and friends, angel investors, government or even business competition.



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