Social Entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship consists of a new type of leaders that are currently driving the world of business to become more socially oriented. A social entrepreneur is someone who sees a social problem, either locally or globally, and instead of seeing a problem they see an opportunity. These entrepreneurs use their business knowledge and apply to create, manage and organize a functional company with the goal of making a social change.

Social enterprise contains companies such as Toms, where they have promised that for every shoes bought they will give another to a child in need in Africa. This one for one campaign has helped the company gain a more ethical image and it also presents a point of difference as the company not only sells a product but also an idea that customers buy into. With this image it enables the company to charge a higher price for the quality of their products as well as social responsibility. However different companies may choose to give back to the their community in different ways instead of just giving, for example Zeritu ‘s company, provides fresh and organic milk for her community where pop is the normal consumption. Here Zeritu is giving back to her community by providing a healthier choice as well as providing a larger revenue for local farmers. These organization are still a functional, independent and profit making company but as Professor Dees explained social entrepreneur are change agents, they attack the root of the problems rather than fixing the symptoms.

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