Blackberry on a comeback?

I remember when I used to have a phone that  could only dial calls and send messages. That is becoming a thing of the past. Phones are getting more and more advanced, able to do things that previously computers couldn’t even do. Years ago, Blackberry was at the top of the smartphone food chain. Everyone wanted one. However, recently, it’s been on a steady decline.

A new thing popularized is instant messaging on your phone. Apps like Whatsapp and iMessage allowed users to see when messages are read and sent. Blackberry also decided to jump onto the bandwagon and expand its popular Blackberry Messenger to iOS and Android phones. This is a smart move seeing that Apple, Android and Windows phones are all surpassing Blackberry in sales. In shifting its attention to software rather than hardware, Blackberry is able to test the market. If the app does well, then perhaps they can stop selling the phones, which are becoming less and less popular. Consumer demand is a critical component of analyzing a company. If the consumers’ preferences change, then the company should definitely take that into consideration, as Blackberry did in this case.

20. October 2013 by cherrychang
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