Yesterday, I walked into Target for the first time in Canada. Admittedly, I was very excited because Target is one of the stores I make sure to visit each time I venture south of the border. Now that they have opened a store in Metrotown, and I don’t have to drive for hours to get to one, I will be going much more frequently.

The executives of Target say that Canada is going to be a major contributor to the company’s growth. However, Target Canada president Tony Fisher said that Canada isn’t as into the one-stop-shop experience as the United States.

“Consumers are accustomed to visiting many different competitors to accomplish all of their shopping.”

Consumer preferences are definitely an important aspect to consider, as they will be the ones who will be purchasing the product. It is also important to look at how they will change. In my opinion, it is very likely that Canadians will begin shopping for everything at places like Target simply because it is more convenient.

17. November 2013 by cherrychang
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