Category Archives for Uncategorized

Yesterday, I walked into Target for the first time in Canada. Admittedly, I was very excited because Target is one of the stores I make sure to visit each time I venture south of the border. Now that they have … Continue reading

17. November 2013 by cherrychang
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If it doesn’t look good, don’t wear it.

Everywhere you look in Vancouver, you can see a sea of girls wearing Lululemon yoga pants. Women of all shapes and sizes love to sport the athletic garment because of their convenience and comfort. However, recently, Chip Wilson (pictured above), … Continue reading

16. November 2013 by cherrychang
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Mr. Rogers Can’t Rope Us In For So Long Anymore…

My cousin just moved to Canada from China. He has an unlocked iPhone, so he didn’t need a new phone, but he did need a cellphone plan in order to use it. So, we began searching for a suitable company for … Continue reading

15. November 2013 by cherrychang
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Those Annoying Ads on Facebook

They pop up left and right when you’re trying to scroll through your newsfeed, reading all the stuff your “friends” post that you don’t even care about. Some of them make noise, and some of them just won’t go away, … Continue reading

11. November 2013 by cherrychang
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“First the Worst”

Growing up, in elementary school, we had to line up between activities, and everyone would rush to be first in line. Eventually, since it was difficult to always be first, we began to shun the person who would always win. … Continue reading

02. November 2013 by cherrychang
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Blackberry on a comeback?

I remember when I used to have a phone that  could only dial calls and send messages. That is becoming a thing of the past. Phones are getting more and more advanced, able to do things that previously computers couldn’t … Continue reading

20. October 2013 by cherrychang
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The “Cheaper” iPhone

(Click photo for article) The iPhone 5c was marketed as a more affordable alternative to the iPhone 5s. However, when the phones were brought to the market, the price of the “cheaper” model was shocking. I had expected “cheaper” to … Continue reading

04. October 2013 by cherrychang
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Government Down: Yay or Nay?

According to a blog in the Washington Post, new research shows that the effect on the GDP from the shutdown of the US government will not be as devastating as analysts have previously predicted. The Defense Department has forced resumed … Continue reading

01. October 2013 by cherrychang
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Why in the world did we trade Schneider?

(image URL) I’m sure Cory Schneider was loved by most Canucks fans out there, and we are all sad to see him go. Although Luongo is not horrible like some complain, I want to know exactly why in the world … Continue reading

23. September 2013 by cherrychang
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Using Disaster to Sell

Recently, there have been incidents involving brands using disastrous events to advertise their products on social media. Is it ethical to use something that caused others so much trauma in order to make money? On September 5th, fashion designer Kenneth … Continue reading

11. September 2013 by cherrychang
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