Brand Yourself With a Bright and White Smile!

While scrolling through a number of blogs in my section, I stumbled upon Shelby So’s blog and discovered a business blog she had linked to one of her posts. It piqued my interest and as I navigated through the blog, I found a useful blog post that may help all of us.

The author thoroughly explains the causes, tests, and solutions to combating bad breath in this post. What drew my attention even more towards it were the sections, “Smile assumptions” and “Smile feelings”. I agree that practicing the perfect smile is necessary. Let’s face it: everyone makes judgments based on appearances. Our smile enhances our image and helps us build our personal brand. Having a nice and white smile presents a positive image to a potential employer and to peers. In addition, it also boosts our mood, helps us fight stress and feel happy.

The post also mentioned “Fake it till you make it” and a few weeks ago, my leader of the First Year Accelerator Cohorts showed us a TEDTalks video on “Fake it till you make it”. It’s intriguing to see it reappear on another business blog and to see that many are trying to get the same general message across to their audience: smiling will help people make it through their own circumstances and situations.

Key Take Away: Have good breath, great teeth and a perfect smile! It helps build people’s personal brand and image, which is especially useful when coming in contact with potential employers. Doing this also boosts self-confidence and places people’s moods in a higher and better position.

Sources: Student’s Blog, Business Blog, Image #1, Image #2

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