Bomb Those Brows!

A woman having her eyebrows thinned, the method of shaping eyebrows that Mehroke uses in her stores.

Ravy Mehroke opened a retail business in Yaletown, Bombay Brow Bar, which offered a single service: shaping eyebrows. Many thought this business idea was risky and that it would possibly fail but that was not the case. Within three years, she opened an additional store on West Fourth Avenue and another in the Shangri-La Hotel.

Mehroke had done everything an entrepreneur needed to do: conduct extensive market research to ensure her business plan would work, taken classes, and sought a successful mentor who had opened a similar business as her. Although her business model was thoroughly thought out, the price she charged her customers was $23, and has increased it to $24. Mehroke mainly targets professionals living or working in the downtown area but this may turn other potential customers away from her store.

Ravy Mehroke, owner of Bombay Brow Bar.

And where did she get her initial price of $23 from? She supports her initial price point by referring to the brow bar she had seen in London. Did she decide her price based on the brow bar in London? Suppose that was how she decided on the price. If so, she is making an inaccurate assumption. People in Vancouver have different tastes, preferences and needs compared to those living in London.

Currently Mehroke has successfully opened two additional stores around Vancouver. Her business model has been thought out thoroughly. However, I would love to learn how she decided on her pricing and why her price had only increased by a dollar, and not more.

The interior of Bombay Brow Bar.

Sources: Article, Image #1, Image #2, Image #3, Image #4

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