Re: Tim Cook just publicly declared he’s gay and Wall Street doesn’t care


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The article Tim Cook just publicly declared he’s gay and Wall Street doesn’t care on Marshable that I read today shows that Cook’s announcement does not affect Apple’s stock price.

The peaceful stock market surprised me. Cook is the first CEO in a Fortune 500 company that announced homosexuality. There might be some other CEOs that are gay, but they do not tell. They are afraid to ruin their own fame as well as the company’s fame. However, investors do not care much about Cook’s sexual orientation. Cook is an excellent CEO and that is all.

This news is a good sign for social equality. My favourite teacher in high school was a gay. He told me that he had lost several jobs because he was a gay; so he did not tell anybody he was gay at my high school. (I was the only one that was told at the end of my high school year, because he trusted me.) When I asked why he was fired, simply he answered: “because I was a gay.” I could not understand that a company could fire a person merely because he or she was gay.

Thankfully, the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning) discrimination reduces. More and more LGBTQ stand out and fight for equality. I support Tim Cook, my high school teacher, and all the LGBTQ. Each LGBTQ can have a good job and reputation.

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