
On September, Microsoft bought Minecraft, one of the world’s famous games with $2.5 billion. This means that Microsoft gets the rights to the game and Mojang, the development studio.

Microsoft already has $85 billion in hand, so $2.5 billion may not seem as much. But Microsoft was suffering from the decreasing shares in their own smartphones, so buying Minecraft was one of the method to gain profit.


I think the action Microsoft took was smart; Microsoft wanted to increase their profit, and Mojang was having trouble managing their company and keeping up with the demanding fans. Minecraft, although it is known as a “game”, is not really a game where people compete each other to win. There are no goals either, making it more of a social site. Although some fans are wailing about how Minecraft itself would not be fun anymore because Microsoft is intervening, both companies/producers/CEOs got what they want. They both agreed in buying and selling, which makes it an advantage for both sides.


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