External blog: Youtube

This is a response to a external blog post by Cornor Dougherty’ “YouTube Weighing New Subscription Service”

One of the worlds’ biggest video site is adding another service to collect money, which is the  “subscription service”. Youtube shows advertisements before the video plays, which frustrates many users. This, could be gone by paying for the ad-free subscription.


My views to the topic:
The advertisements are annoying when it comes up before, or during the videos we are watching. Now, will this really work? I am quite sure this system will increase Youtube’s revenue. Youtube has billion users accessing to their site and watching videos. This paying system does not have to attract all consumers, it will work if there are few percentage of people willing to pay. If 1 % of the Youtube users are willing to pay $1 per month (This is the price Youtube is aiming to price), the total income would be $10 million. Since Youtube has so many users, the amount of money achieved would be enormous, despite the amount of people who wants to stop seeing the pre-played advertisements.

My views to the blog:
This blog post was interesting as it had Youtube’s prospective in why they wanted to start a new service, and how Youtube has the potential to earn more subscriptions. It also mentions about recommended strategies Youtube should do in order to gain more users, and win against other similar online video sites.

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