Archive for the 'What others are saying' Category

Highlight of the Trip

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

This year’s CEAL conference focused on the TS restructure, and we at UBC have been there and have done it. Keynote speech by Prof. Dai Jinhua, Friendship with my fellow CEAL members and ROM visit are some highlights of the trip. Thanks to Stephen’s invitation and arrangement, I was able to skip the official visit […]

A Hot Red Week

Monday, January 30th, 2012

Reference requests rushed in last week. Asian Studies’ new year party attracted many people. I could only stood at the back for a short time. A white student asked for some ghost stories from Ming so he could compare with Liao Zhai. I just assumed he wanted English translation, until he confirmed that he really […]

Taiwan Impression

Sunday, November 20th, 2011

It’s very hot and humid. People are friendly, especially the Library staff. My classmates are from all over the world. I am glad getting to know the ladies from Australia, Mr. Shen from Singapore, Brian from Michigan and Roger from Sweden, a serious scholar and very funny person. Hye-jin was the last one registered. She’s […]

Mingle@Asian Library

Sunday, October 2nd, 2011

We tried a new format of orientation this term. Pascale from Political Science told me about her thesis proposal on China’s natural resource industry. The challenge is to collect and analyse different data sets from different sources, such as the associations on top of the National Statistical Bureau. She told me there are a whole […]


Saturday, October 1st, 2011

刚送走国图的郭社长一行,又参加了招待会。省长的发言声情并茂,开始还让大家有点意外。她说The faces in this (Hyatt Regent Ball)room represent Canada well. 她还说上任后第一次国际访问目的地即将是中国。 在场的虽偶尔有其他族裔面孔,但大多还是同胞。看到文化和教育领事忙得不可开交。很多同乡会的代表–和朱先生共用一张吧台,他穿戴整齐、仪表堂堂,对自己的台山同乡会深感自豪。告诉我刚拉出去70几位会友去亚洲坐游轮。张萍是温州同乡会的,毕竟在北京做过律师,谈吐不俗。学妹徐君令人惊艳,见面也很亲热,告诉我在首都机场与学弟Brady相见不相识的情景。当年虽然不修边幅,Braidy还是一表人才,我俩曾经是一门课的硕果仅存,其中故事就当做过去的秘密吧。现在北京搞金融的Southern Gentleman西装革履一定难寻当年穷学生的影子啦。

UVic and DHSI

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011

First time on UVic campus was on April 9th for BC China Scholars’ Symposium. I didn’t expect that sort of strong response to our presentation…I enjoyed my company of Chris, Allison, Tim, Anna, Desmond, and getting to know more China specialists in BC. On the ferry back home, I walked into Allan and Greg who […]

The Bar and the Hall

Thursday, April 21st, 2011

I couldn’t participate in the TS workshop on the 31st due to this China-North America Library Conference new project meeting. We met at the Tropics Bar in the Ali’i Tower at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. The dicussion was focused on the East Asian or Chinese rare books. It’s interesting to learn the uncertainty of LC […]

CJK Joint Session

Monday, April 18th, 2011

Walking along the beach then into the Hilton Village and Ballroom, I saw a whole lot more attendees on March 30th. This is the first time when Chinese, Japanese and Korean librarians meet for common interest instead of having separate committee meetings. The new format worked out nicely, but we could still cut some speakers […]

My Junior MAPPS Fellows

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

Managed to attend a couple sessions of this two-day conference. I am impressed by my junior fellows who organized the conference around the lastest issues, such as Jasmine Protest and Japan’s triple disaster. They invited experts like the former ambassador, Joseph Caron, and Victor Radujko from Privy Council Office. Many profs chaired the panel or […]

Launch a Career, where?

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

Last night’s event lasted much longer than it was scheduled. I was impressed by our international students who all spoke fluent English, experienced the globalization and about to launch their career world-wide. The French guy raised the good question on how to make his experience in Canada transferable. Chatted with a few students from Ukriane, […]

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