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When I first found out that the final portion of my marketing project was going to be a video presentation, I was skeptical.  I originally thought that I would have preferred an in class presentation, as it would require less preparation and there would be less risk of it being a dull 5 minutes in which the class either spaces out or browses Facebook.  The criteria initially felt limiting in that, in order to properly complete the assignment as we are supposed to, it would be difficult to not just have each group talking monotonously or giving a presentation (which would be less engaging because it would be recorded, not live).

However, I soon realized that this was actually a much more effective means of presenting.  The criteria simply meant that more creative ways were necessary to make the presentation engaging and interesting, while still being informative.  this gave students willing to put the time and effort in a chance to truly excel.  Furthermore, the presentation’s content would not be missed by a nervous speaker or by a group member getting sick on the day of the presentation.  Because the actual material discussed could be recorded under less pressured circumstances, every group member could excel and effectively and accurately deliver their part.

A smaller benefit of the video presentation style is that it does not necessarily take up valuable class time in order for students to present.  The videos can be watched at any time, and the marker is not limited to making rushed decisions on the spot during the presentation.  Thus the grades for the presentation will be more accurately assigned and less subject to bias.

Overall I think that a video presentation is an effective final project, and one that helps to develop the skill set required to be an effective marketer, as well as businessperson in general.

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