Stuck in a Rut

We all know how important first impressions are. Even today, I remember my old elementary school classmates as they were ten years ago. I still remember the girl that picked on me, and made fun of my shoes. Regardless of how much they may have changed, it’s hard to alter the cemented image I have of them already. This is the same issue Neysa talks about in her blog, in regards to Burger King’s fries.


While the company tried to reposition their product as healthier with 40% less fat and 30% less calories, as Neysa explained, “it is difficult to change consumers’ perspectives of a brand once it is formed”. The new fries did not produce high profit margins, because those who already frequent fast food restaurants had no reason to to make the switch, and those who don’t frequent fast food restaurants would not be persuaded to, because of the negative perception of unhealthy foods. Society is becoming more health-conscious and it’s taking a toll on several companies.

Kraft has been attempting to re-brand Jell-O for the same reason. Unfortunately, repositioning it as a snack instead of a dessert has had little effect on sales. Society’s view of fries and Jell-O is already too cemented, and no amount of repositioning with make these products profitable once again.


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