Canadian employers struggle to find skilled workers

The article “Canadian employers struggle to find skilled workers” is stating that there are a lot of jobs available in Canada; however, there are not enough skilled workers to meet these companies demands. As a result, companies productivity levels are not being maximized resulting in lost opportunities to grow and be competitive in the global market. Furthermore, companies are losing revenue. For example, let’s say a milk company can only produce 10 litres of milk an hour with four employees, however consumer demand is 20 litres of milk for every hour. The result of course is the inability to meet demand thus the lost opportunities to increase revenue, grow as a company and help the Canadian economy. Companies are not producing to the best of their ability since they have an excess demand. By doubling their already well-trained employees, this company would be able to maximize their revenue by producing the amount of milk consumers want.

This problem clearly affects the overall Canadian economy. When there are not enough skilled workers to meet demand, this leads to less overall growth and affects taxes. Since there are less people with jobs and fixed incomes, this would cause people to purchase less, and when people purchase less, the government is not receiving as many taxes. The limited amount of well-trained workers is important, not only to companies, but to the economy. Since the economy moves in a “trickling” effect, we must take this problem into consideration and try to improve it before the economy changes for worse.



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