A few years ago coconut water entered the market, and since then has grown exceptionally. There are many reasons individuals have discovered coconut water, however one that is extremely important is due to social media, such as instagram, facebook and advertisements. Since actresses and models drink coconut water and state how healthy and tasty the beverage is through social media, this has triggered many individuals to start purchasing the product as well. Individuals buy coconut water because of all the positive statements given by models and actresses, but also because of reference groups. If an individual looks up to a certain model and has seen that this model drinks the product, the individual may be tempted to purchase the product so that they feel more comparable and similar.
For example, Vita Coco is a company in the coconut water market and they paid Rihanna to be the face of their brand in 2011. As a result the companies’ sales revenue increased, as Stevenson states, “2009 sales volume of $20 million, 2010 sales of $40 million, and expected 2011 sales of $100 million. Competitors boast similar growth rates.” This statement proves that the coconut water market has grown throughout the years.
Furthermore, even professional athletes have substituted sports drinks, such as Gatorade for coconut water because of all the natural nutrients. Like Gatorade, coconut water contains all five essential electrolytes, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, and calcium. However, the main difference between the two products is that coconut water is natural and there aren’t any added sugars. Therefore, drinking coconut water is a healthy and natural choice for all individuals.