
Welcome to my web portfolio.

The objective of this website is to give you an insight into both my personal and professional background.

On this platform, you will find information about my skills and accomplishments as outlined in my resume and application materials.

Additionally, you can discover more about me by reading my biography.


My web portfolio consists of 8 pages, including the homepage, which you are currently viewing.

  1.  ABOUT ENGL301: The English 301 page provides a brief description of the technical writing course offered by UBC
  2. ABOUT ME : I have shared details about my background, education, work experience
  3. Blog : The blog page contains my reflections on each unit of English 301
  4. Best Works:  Best Work page showcases some of my finest written pieces
  5. Linked in Profile: LinkedIn profile on the corresponding page
  6. Resume: The Resume page features my updated professional history for easy reference
  7. Application Package: The Application Package page contains my complete application package, including cover letter, resume, and reference letters.