Email to Prospective Writing Team Member



From: Chohyeon Kim

Date: January 30, 2023

Subject: ENGL 301 Team Invitation Acceptance

Dear Long You,

Thank you for taking me to your professional writing team. You have a variety of experiences and I am incredibly impressed by your accomplishments. Your intercultural understanding must be of great value to the team. I will be looking forward to working with you.

My application letter is attached below.


Chohyeon Kim,

301 Elly Kim Application letter

To: Sonja Tang <>

From: Chohyeon Kim

Subject: ENGL301 Team Invitation

Date: Jan 30, 2023

Dear Sonja Tang

I am writing this email to ask if you have interest in joining Our writing team for this upcoming assignment.

Based on your application letter, I am certain your volunteer experiences with lots of teamwork and communication skills will be crucial when working as a team. Moreover, I believe that your positive attitude and desire for continuous improvement would be a great addition to our team.

You can reach me via  I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

My application letter is attached below.

Best regards

Chohyeon Kim

301 Elly Kim Application letter



To: Alethea Kramer <>

From: Chohyeon Kim

Subject: ENGL301 Team Invitation

Date: Jan 30, 2023

Dear Alethea Kramer


I am currently looking to form a writing team for the course and would like you to join.

I was impressed with your background in media studies, marketing, and communications design. I believe your skills and experience would be a valuable asset to our team. Also your clear, concise, and appropriate writing style would be a great addition, as well as your approach to finding a personal interest in the course content.

If you are interested in joining a writing team, please let me know and we can discuss it further. You can reach me at

Thank you for your time and I look forward to working with you in ENGL 301.

My application letter is attached below.

Best regards

Chohyeon Kim

301 Elly Kim Application letter




Chohyeon Kim
University of British Columbia

January 21, 2023

ENGL 301 Students
University of British Columbia


Dear English 301 Students:

I am writing this letter to express my desire to join a professional writing team for this semester. I am confident that my skills and professional interests would complement those of the team, and I am eager to collaborate with a group.

Currently, I am pursuing a second degree in Computer Science at UBC in Canada. My prior degree was in Advanced Material Engineering in Korea, and I have also gained valuable experience through working as an engineer and researcher at several companies in Korea, where I had opportunities to develop my business communication skills.

I am interested in utilizing my knowledge of technology to enhance my writing, and I believe that my background in materials engineering and computer science will add unique perspectives to the team. I have strong research skills and am able to effectively organize and analyze information. Regarding my writing skills, I consider myself to be a clear and concise writer with a good eye for detail. Also, I have experience in a business communication setting, which I think will be beneficial for the team. However, English is my second language, and I may struggle with expressing my thoughts with the same fluency as native speakers. But I am constantly working on improving my language skills.

In terms of work habits, I am highly organized, efficient, and able to meet deadlines. My learning philosophy is based on continuous improvement, and I believe that there is always room to grow and learn. I am excited about the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with experienced writers on the team.

I would be happy to be considered for a position on the team. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.



Chohyeon Kim



301 Elly Kim Application letter








MEMO : Submission of Writing Team Application Letter


To:          Erika Paterson Instructor, ENGL 301 Students
From:     Chohyeon Kim 301 Student
Date:       January 21, 2023
Subject:  Submission of Writing Team Application Letter


As requested on the blog, I have posted my Writing Team Application Letter on my UBC blog.

The attached letter includes

  • Introduction, professional interests, and previous experience
  • Strengths and weaknesses in terms of writing skills
  • Work habits, learning philosophy
  • Contact information


Please let me know if you need more information. I look forward to your feedback.



301 Elly Kim Application letter





My name is Chohyeon Kim. I am a 3rd-year student in Bachelor of Computer Science program (BCS) at the University of British Columbia (UBC). This is my Second degree. My first degree was in Advanced Material Engineering in Korea. It is often referred to as “Material Science.” I arrived in Canada in January 2022. Due to my prior degree, I was able to enter the university’s third year.


I studied Electrical Materials, such as Semiconductor and Display, as one of the many subfields of Material Engineering. The reason why I chose to study Electrical Materials is because the industry is very promising and one of the largest industries in Korea. Moreover, it was very fun to learn and study. I still regularly keep up with the news about technology, especially the semiconductor industry in Korea. When I was in Korea, I worked as an engineer and researcher for multiple companies. The workload could be overwhelming at sometimes but I still loved working as an engineer.


Once I decided to move to Canada, I had to make another plan for my career path, especially ince my former field was not particularly popular in Canada. Considering how much I enjoyed working as an engineer and seeing which businesses are thriving in Canada, I decided to pursue a career in computer science. In addition, I have realized it’s important to know how to program and learn about algorithms. Now that we are heading into the 4th industrial revolution, skills in programming will become more valuable. I believe knowing how to program will be an essential skill for all engineers.


So far, I am excited about new opportunities in Canada and I have been enjoying my study here as well. I will shortly begin searching for Co-op. Therefore, I expect this course will be of great assistance to me in terms of professional and technical communication at work.

I appreciate your time in reading my blog.



English 301 is a course that focuses on the fundamentals of written and online communications in a business and professional settings. Topics such as the preparation of abstracts, proposals, applications, reports, correspondence, and online communications are covered in this course. This course is taught in an online classroom setting, and students in this course will be able to manage individual work and work collaboratively through group activities such as peer reviews and discussions.


This course is designed to be 4 units with 3 lessons each, where one lesson is covered per week.  There are three primary writing assignments in this course: the Formal Report, the Application Package, and the Web Folio. There are smaller assignments as practice materials to improve writing skills. Regarding the Course Outline, you will be able to build your own online site and meet your instructor and classmates virtually during the first unit of the course. During unit 2, you will be designing a formal report and delivering it to your writing team for peer review. In unit 3, you will develop your formal outline and submit it to your writing group. Also, you are going to design and compose a full job application package for your Web Folio. Lastly, in unit 4, you will finalize your formal report and complete the application assignments.


During my first job in Korea, email was the most crucial communication at work. However, I have never been taught properly how to do written communication with my co-workers and bosses. Most of the time, I had to copy and paste templates or ask people for help . Since writing has never been my forte, I found it very difficult to learn on my own. I am confident to say that it is not only me who has had this unexpected difficulty at work, especially with English as a second language. 


For  English 301, I look forward to learning technical and business writing. It will be the perfect course for preparing for Co-op or your next job.