Email to Prospective Writing Team Member



From: Chohyeon Kim

Date: January 30, 2023

Subject: ENGL 301 Team Invitation Acceptance

Dear Long You,

Thank you for taking me to your professional writing team. You have a variety of experiences and I am incredibly impressed by your accomplishments. Your intercultural understanding must be of great value to the team. I will be looking forward to working with you.

My application letter is attached below.


Chohyeon Kim,

301 Elly Kim Application letter

To: Sonja Tang <>

From: Chohyeon Kim

Subject: ENGL301 Team Invitation

Date: Jan 30, 2023

Dear Sonja Tang

I am writing this email to ask if you have interest in joining Our writing team for this upcoming assignment.

Based on your application letter, I am certain your volunteer experiences with lots of teamwork and communication skills will be crucial when working as a team. Moreover, I believe that your positive attitude and desire for continuous improvement would be a great addition to our team.

You can reach me via  I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

My application letter is attached below.

Best regards

Chohyeon Kim

301 Elly Kim Application letter



To: Alethea Kramer <>

From: Chohyeon Kim

Subject: ENGL301 Team Invitation

Date: Jan 30, 2023

Dear Alethea Kramer


I am currently looking to form a writing team for the course and would like you to join.

I was impressed with your background in media studies, marketing, and communications design. I believe your skills and experience would be a valuable asset to our team. Also your clear, concise, and appropriate writing style would be a great addition, as well as your approach to finding a personal interest in the course content.

If you are interested in joining a writing team, please let me know and we can discuss it further. You can reach me at

Thank you for your time and I look forward to working with you in ENGL 301.

My application letter is attached below.

Best regards

Chohyeon Kim

301 Elly Kim Application letter



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