Unit 4 Self-Assessment Reflection


Throughout the ENGL 301 course, I have identified several strengths and weaknesses in both my learning process and assignments.

In terms of my learning process, I have found that I excel in time management and organization. However, as English is my second language and I am still new to Canadian culture, I sometimes struggle with language barriers and cultural differences. I am working on improving my language skills and cultural knowledge through practice and research to overcome these challenges. Additionally, I recognize the importance of staying up-to-date with the constantly evolving technology in the IT industry, and I plan to continue learning and expanding my knowledge to stay competitive in the field.

Regarding my assignments, I have discovered that my writing skills have improved significantly throughout the course. I am able to communicate technical information effectively and clearly, and I have become more confident in my writing abilities. However, I have also recognized a tendency to overlook the tone of my documents. To address this, I plan to revise my work more carefully and consider how my writing appears to readers.

My skills and strengths as a student support my future career goals in the IT industry by providing me with the necessary technical writing skills for success. Specifically, I plan to pursue a career as a software engineer, and the skills I have developed in this course will be valuable in communicating technical information to clients and colleagues. Additionally, I found that learning how to write memorandums was particularly useful as it is a common form of communication. Being able to write clear and concise memos will allow me to effectively communicate with team members and superiors in a professional manner. I look forward to utilizing this skill in my future career.

In conclusion, the ENGL 301 course has provided me with valuable insights into my strengths and weaknesses in both my learning process and assignments. I plan to use this information to continue improving and to support my future career goals in the IT industry. I would like to thank Professor Erika for her guidance and support throughout the course.

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