
English 301 is a course that focuses on the fundamentals of written and online communications in a business and professional settings. Topics such as the preparation of abstracts, proposals, applications, reports, correspondence, and online communications are covered in this course. This course is taught in an online classroom setting, and students in this course will be able to manage individual work and work collaboratively through group activities such as peer reviews and discussions.


This course is designed to be 4 units with 3 lessons each, where one lesson is covered per week.  There are three primary writing assignments in this course: the Formal Report, the Application Package, and the Web Folio. There are smaller assignments as practice materials to improve writing skills. Regarding the Course Outline, you will be able to build your own online site and meet your instructor and classmates virtually during the first unit of the course. During unit 2, you will be designing a formal report and delivering it to your writing team for peer review. In unit 3, you will develop your formal outline and submit it to your writing group. Also, you are going to design and compose a full job application package for your Web Folio. Lastly, in unit 4, you will finalize your formal report and complete the application assignments.


During my first job in Korea, email was the most crucial communication at work. However, I have never been taught properly how to do written communication with my co-workers and bosses. Most of the time, I had to copy and paste templates or ask people for help . Since writing has never been my forte, I found it very difficult to learn on my own. I am confident to say that it is not only me who has had this unexpected difficulty at work, especially with English as a second language. 


For  English 301, I look forward to learning technical and business writing. It will be the perfect course for preparing for Co-op or your next job.


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