Unit 3.3 – Reflection

Unit Three was dedicated to improving our business writing skills and learning how to write a formal report. Throughout the unit, I gained valuable knowledge on how to write in a professional tone with a “You-Attitude”. This technique involves taking the reader’s perspective into consideration and showing respect while staying positive. These skills are essential for effective communication in any business writing situation.


One of the major assignments in this unit was writing a formal report draft. For my report, I chose to address food insecurity and promote sustainable, affordable food practices at UBC. To gather information for my report, I conducted surveys and interviews with students at UBC. It was a fun experience to collect data and analyze the results. However, it was also sad to discover that there has been a significant increase in the number of students who use the food donation program, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This made me realize the importance of addressing food insecurity at UBC and promoting sustainable, affordable food practices.


Writing the formal report draft was a time-consuming and challenging process, but it helped me to develop my research and analysis skills. I learned how to organize and synthesize data effectively, and how to present it in a concise and clear manner. Peer review was also a valuable part of the process, as it allowed me to receive feedback from my peers and learn from their writing.


Overall, Unit Three has helped me to improve my writing skills and develop a better understanding of how to write a formal report. I am excited to continue learning and applying these skills in future units and in my future career.


A copy of your First Draft : FormalReportDraft_EllyKim


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