Best Works


On this page, you will find a selection of my top-performing work for this course.


  1. Revised Definition Assignment: This was the first ENGL 301 assignment. The assignment taught me to define a complex term using 3 types of definitions: parenthetical, sentence, and expanded. The goal was to convey accurate information to diverse audiences.
  2. Revised Peer Review of the Definition Assignment: First peer review for the Definition Assignment. I reviewed Chris Wu’s assignment and gained insight into the reader’s views and different writing styles. Editing helped me improve my own work.
  3. Revised Formal Report Proposaand Progress Report with SurveysI chose food insecurity as a topic for a formal report. I found it engaging and enlightening. Also, Research provided me a comprehensive understanding of the issue and potential solutions. I am happy with the decision.
  4. Revised Proposal Memo: Memo about the Formal Research Proposal
  5. Revised LinkedIn Best Practices memo: The memo contains tips for optimizing a LinkedIn profile, creating engaging content, and networking effectively. Overall, the document is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their use of LinkedIn for professional purposes.
  6. Revised Memo to Evan Crisp: To help Evan Crisp compose an email requesting to be added to a full course, this memo offers concise best practices for professional writing with a focus on demonstrating a YOU – attitude. The aim is to improve the professionalism of email communication.
  7. Revised Peer Review of a Formal Report: One of the reports that I reviewed was written by Sonja Tang, and it focused on increasing academic support for student-athletes at the University of British Columbia. Despite the report’s complexity, I managed to provide detailed recommendations that helped Sonja improve her writing.