My name is Chohyeon Kim. I am a 3rd-year student in Bachelor of Computer Science program (BCS) at the University of British Columbia (UBC). This is my Second degree. My first degree was in Advanced Material Engineering in Korea. It is often referred to as “Material Science.” I arrived in Canada in January 2022. Due to my prior degree, I was able to enter the university’s third year.


I studied Electrical Materials, such as Semiconductor and Display, as one of the many subfields of Material Engineering. The reason why I chose to study Electrical Materials is because the industry is very promising and one of the largest industries in Korea. Moreover, it was very fun to learn and study. I still regularly keep up with the news about technology, especially the semiconductor industry in Korea. When I was in Korea, I worked as an engineer and researcher for multiple companies. The workload could be overwhelming at sometimes but I still loved working as an engineer.


Once I decided to move to Canada, I had to make another plan for my career path, especially ince my former field was not particularly popular in Canada. Considering how much I enjoyed working as an engineer and seeing which businesses are thriving in Canada, I decided to pursue a career in computer science. In addition, I have realized it’s important to know how to program and learn about algorithms. Now that we are heading into the 4th industrial revolution, skills in programming will become more valuable. I believe knowing how to program will be an essential skill for all engineers.


So far, I am excited about new opportunities in Canada and I have been enjoying my study here as well. I will shortly begin searching for Co-op. Therefore, I expect this course will be of great assistance to me in terms of professional and technical communication at work.

I appreciate your time in reading my blog.