Emoji Story Linking

In response to Mandy’s detailed and thoughtful insights on the Emoji Story assignment I commented on her post as follows:

Hi Mandy,

Having just finished viewing the series in your post it was very easy to identify your chosen text. I found it really interesting that you focussed on one episode rather than the series as a whole. What struck me about this is how much detail can be expressed by emojis within only one episode. It made me think about how much detail is enough to effectively communicate our ideas. I like how you talk through your process of speaking out loud and identifying the important plot details. This experience was different from mine. At one point you say that you learned it becomes more difficult when an emoji is complicated, which is an interesting observation, but I’m wondering what do you mean by complicated?

Also, given the available icons, it was rather easy to express the title as there was clearly an icon for the squid and a game. I’m curious how you would represent the squid if a squid icon didn’t exist?

Thank you,



Reason for linking: There were a lot of posts that engaged with Squid Game this week and Mandy’s stood out because she focussed on an episode rather than just the plot. Honestly having seen the show the title was all that was needed and then I could understand the emojis with the context of my prior knowledge. I was impressed with how well she was able to retell the episode only using emojis. 

Before this assignment, I had never searched for emojis using words. Frankly, I rarely use them and when I do it tends to be the same few. I am far more likely to use .gifs as they are superior in my opinion at communicating a short message or feeling quickly. 

The part of her post that enhanced my understanding of this week’s content was her “Ah-Moment”. Her thoughtful reflection on the Kress text was a great connection and the challenging experience of expressing a text I did not create with emojis I did not create was a shared experience this week.


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