Data Analysis Linking

In response to Robyn’s detailed and thoughtful insights on the Network Assignment Using Golden Record Curation Quiz Data I commented on her post as follows:

Hi Robyn,

Reading your post I really appreciated your perspective and thought process on how you engaged with the data. The examples of the various visualizations you created were interesting to me because of how different and similar some of them were to mine. I particularly liked the communities viewed as circles as the visual representation was clear and symbolic (circle of friends/acquaintances). It made your point about social media sites grouping us more poignant to me because just like these sites there is so little information within this visualization to explain why people are grouped together. The connections seem tenuous but at the same time, they form causal relationships in a very real way as you’ve pointed out. It makes me think of how little I invest in exploring these links sometimes and how passively I accept them as they have become natural in an online world. 

Thank you,


Reason for linking: I was drawn to this post because there were visualizations that I did not create while I was engaging with the data and I was curious how Robyn created them. I also liked reading about her process and how she printed out the list of choices and created a physical, tactile, element to this task. It made me wonder why the digital tools were not enough and ponder the need some of us have to engage with printed media as part of our process. For this task, I did not print anything out, but in others I have.

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