Cold Calling- Does it actually work?

Cold calling- how effective is it at getting people to purchase items? After reading this blog by Frank Rambauskas, a lot of questions were raised relating to if cold calling is even worth doing anymore as a way of advertising items. Frank in his blog mentions how coldcalling salespeople get frustrated with their low amount of sales.

To me this is not surprising at all as the way I see it, the people who do cold calling try and sell you a pretty much useless item that you would never have thought of or wanted to buy. Common salespitches include a fresh housepaint, window washing, windex cleaners and similar services. And often the services that they perform can be completely awful and of poor quality. For example, after a couple months many of the house paints done by cold callers start cracking and peeling off.

The problem with cold calling is that it does not take into account customer needs and what customers actually want, which is probably the main and most important thing I have learned from studying marketing. Selling people what they don’t want or need is in my mind a very big waste of time, and for very little profits. In addition to this it wastes the time of the customer you are trying to sell to as they have to listen to someone try and pitch them an item that they really couldn’t care less about. Cold calling is also a nuisance and annoyance for most people.

However, Cold calling can work, with a little special ingredient. And that ingredient is charisma; in particular having a really good sense of humor as is displayed in the video below. In this video Kenny Brooks, a cold caller aspiring to one day be a stand up comedian, is absolutely hilarious with so many one-liners I couldn’t even keep track. If this guy ever came to my house l probably wouldn’t buy his junk, but I would probably tip him $5 or something just for being so witty!

Frank Rambaukas Blog:


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