
Hello and welcome to my blog.

The posts on this page are reflections on various stages of the English Technical Writing course I took this summer. The Covid-19 pandemic has made this an unforgettable year and has also made us reflect on our priorities. Perhaps we will attain a higher level of awareness as a result. In any case, both the extra time I had during confinement to think and the contemplation I exercised after assignments this term have assisted me in developing an appreciation for self-evaluation. The journal entries posted on this page are informal in tone. I learned a great deal in this course, pushed the limits of my writing capabilities, and was gratified by small successes along the way. It is a pleasure to share this journey with you. So please continue down the list of posts to read about my adventures in blogging, reviewing peers, defining periodontitis, interviewing colleagues, designing floor plans, and much more…

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