Reflection: Web Folios

The web folio assignment is the culmination of all the skills we have developed thus far in English 301 Technical Writing. Attaching word and pdf documents, links, images, and applying correct citation was just one step in this assignment. As students and job applicants, we want to present ourselves in a competent manner. Concise writing and careful editing are essential to making a good impression. Regardless of the purpose of a document, submitting work that contains grammar or typographical errors is a definite  No-No in educational and professional settings.

In completing this task, I first chose where to build the site. Using UBC blogs has been an enjoyable experience throughout the semester, so I decided to locate my electronic portfolio on the same forum as the class and student blogs. With this assignment, a bit more freedom was granted in designing structure and creating pages that reflect the accomplishments and ambitions of students. The audience for my personal website is fellow dental colleagues and potential employers. With this in mind, I wanted to show both my professional abilities and interests as well as a sense of my personality.

Creating the web folio was a long, but enjoyable process. I indulged myself by playing with colours and adjusting formatting to make an attractive website. Writing introductions to each page, link, post, and work exhibited was necessary in guiding the readers through the content. Without these directions and blurbs, the material would lack flow and meaning. I spent a lot of time trying to make the set-up logical and intelliglible. I also reflected on what readers might find interesting when selecting material. A professional, but friendly tone was the goal of my writing style. Choosing the middle road between overly casual and very mechanical seemed to be the best way produce easy and worthwhile reading. Complimenting technical oral health facts with composing texts and designing visuals turned out to be a stimulating and gratifying activity.



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