
Now that all projects and assignments of the course have been completed, it is time to reflect on lessons learned and our growth, both as students and individuals.

Being honest with one’s self is the fastest way to growth, so I will begin by admitting the weaknesses I observed in myself throughout the term. I sometimes hesitate to ask questions early on in assignments. Unfortunately, this leads to wasted time and effort. I sometimes completed sections of an assignment twice because I didn’t clarify terms. At the beginning of the course, I was not familiar with several of the online forums on which assignments needed to be posted. I work in the dental field which has only recently become digitized. Paper files were still extremely common up until about 5 or 6 years ago. I am happy to report that I have improved my IT knowledge significantly. In general, I am much more relaxed when confronted with an unfamiliar program or system.

I feel that determination was a strength that helped me progress through the units. Even when overwhelmed, I persevered with hard work and a positive attitude. I enjoy writing and value the power of words, so improving the conciseness of my compositions was gratifying. I am certain that the skills I acquired in this class will assist me in other courses, at my current job, and in new career prospects.

Returning to school after twenty years, has made me aware of how studying supports my future career goals. To achieve advancement, whether it be in a class or at a job, one must strive for growth. Remaining in your comfort zone or limiting yourself to the basic requirements rarely leads to success. Learning does not finish at the end of a course or when your receive a job offer, it is continuous. Being a student conditions an individual to push their limits and realize goals.

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