

This web page is dedicated to the field of dental hygiene. Toggle along the toolbar to access different pages within the site.

On this websites, you will find the following information:

  • WHAT’S NEW IN DENTAL HYGIENE:  Hot topics in the profession, career pathways, links to articles discussing innovative oral health treatments and research, and  direction to reputable industry websites such as https://www.dentalhygienecanada.ca/ 
  • CONTINUING EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES: Advertisements for upcoming conferences, webinars, and hands-on seminars.
  • BLOG: An informal journal reflecting on growth experienced by myself, a University of British Columbia student, during an online Bachelor of Dental Science Degree.
  • BEST WORKS: Showcase of various forms of professional documents I have produced.
  • RÉSUMÉ: Online version of my résumé listing skills, work experience, and educational background.
  • LINKEDIN: Link to my network profile.
  • APPLICATION PACKAGE: Example of a job advertisement, with an associated cover letter and pdf résumé for easy downloading. The page also includes examples of requests for letters of reference.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Christina Hruby. I am a busy Montrealer with a passion for reading, writing, and healthy living. My time is divided between distance education and a career as a dental hygienist. Dental hygiene is a fulfilling career that offers many prospects to its professionals. I have spent more than twenty years happily working in a clinical setting. Higher education has always been an aspiration, and I hope to take full advantage of the Dental Science degree I am pursuing to propel myself toward new and challenging employment opportunities. It is for this reason that my résumé and LinkedIn coordinates are presented as part of this web folio. My estimated graduation date is May 2023; however,  I am eager to dive into a new career adventure. Interested individuals or firms are very welcome to contact me at chrishruby@hotmail.com.

I wish you a pleasant and informative read.