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Olowo-n’djo Tchala; a social entrepreneur with a passion to boost Togo’s economy.

Think of the word “entrepreneur” and most people have the sole image of a profit driven manager that comes to mind. Tchala is different, he has used his entrepreneurial skills to make a huge social impact in the lives of Togo’s women whilst  “keeping it natural and keeping the ethics of fair trade”.

My person view about Tchala, is described by Reanne Derkson, “For certain types of people, living, breathing, eating, and experiencing their passion everyday is just something that seems to be hardwired into their systems”.

“Being able to start your own personal business which generates $9.5million in annual sales and  growth of 47% a year on the back of word of mouth only is an obvious sign of a successful entrepreneur. The inspiring thing about Tchala is that he managed to apply market-based strategies in order to pursuit social goals at the same time.

What helps a social entrepreneur succeed is passion and expertise. Tchala has managed to become a preferred buyer in Togo, due to the fact that his production of butter is helping 4 million women support their families and get out of poverty, pay for school uniforms and allow better educational in Togo.

Tchala is living proof that entrepreneurs with social goals have a higher chance of being successful. The reason for this is obvious: consumers are very sensitive and grateful to businesses that help society overcome its problems (like unemployment) and will respond in return by purchasing these companies’ products. Of course the product has to be of an equal quality to competitors but consumers would be prepared to pay 50 cents more for a product that contributes positively to their social environment.

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