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Category Archives: Competitive Advantage

A world without technology?! Don’t even try to think about it..

Information technology is a tool that has revolutionized the world for individuals and more importantly, businesses. One of today’s hits is innovating the world with “the cloud”; a computing concept that creates a communication network through a large number of connected devices such as computers.

Let’s not drift away from what the main aim of a business is after all; profits. A cloud is a business technology management system (BTM); this brings together information and technology in order for the business to make decisions. Businesses, after all, are faced with hundreds of decisions on a regular basis and what BTM helps do is measure, experiment and replicate.

Why do businesses even need to sample new technologies like the cloud?

Simply in order to see if it is a profitable investment and how it can benefit the growth of the business.

Can the negative factors of small businesses investing in cloud technology affect their profit line?

Factors stated like “system complexity”, “loss of control” and “risk of unintended data disclosure”, are negative impacts that can be overcome by benefits like “cheaper security measures” and “resource concentration benefits”. These effects are extreme advantages for small businesses that are seeking to improved communication and overall growth in their respectable markets with customers and employees.

At the end of the day, small firms are normally in a perfectly competitive market. Just a slight benefit of lower costs or a more advanced technological system can allow them to gain a competitive advantage. With competitive advantage, businesses decisions of either increasing sales by lowering price or leaving it at initial price will both benefit a business with profitability.

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