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Category Archives: Entrepreneur

When asked in a lecture of 100 first year university business students, “What do you want to do after you graduate?” the most selected answer was “I want to raise millions of dollars to start my own company.” Easy to say and think, however, the limitation in statistics; “75% of startups fail”. This is what limits students to develop this dream; fear of failure.

 Famous in a day; Ryan Friedman, a 24 year-old developer with his social networking start-up App, Popcorn. Don’t over think it, Ryan is an individual who set up his own business with his own financial risks in desire of profits. Regardless of failing 3 times with unsuccessful apps, no faith or motivation was lost.



Controversy comes to mind when reviewing Ryan’s strategy which is not structured (very open); find an idea that has potential in the market (communication), aim the idea to certain market segments (university students) and take the leap of faith, not allowing failure to be an option.


Start-ups however, when learnt at university, claimed to need 5 essential factors; purposeful vision, moral compass, business model, process and big market.  Then how did Ryan successfully gain 1000 users in a day and create this successful app “Popcorn”, without the use of a business model?

Motivation, passion & determination

Today’s view of a start-up by teachers and students is too closed and text booked. There is not one specific recipe for a successful startup. Be like Ryan, never give up and learn by your mistakes, that is the key to a successful start up.

Entrepreneurs are driven by various emotions and desires, essentially passion and money!

Ashish J.Thakkar is the typical role model of a passionate and hard working entrepreneur, seeking, as described by Professor Howard Stevenson, the “pursuit of opportunity beyond resources controlled”.

Ashish J.Thakkar, recently named as “World’s Young Entrepreneur of the Year”, is a pure motivator for business students. At Sauder School of Business, students are encouraged to take the leap of faith, spread their wings and take that exhilarating risk of becoming entrepreneurs during their years at Sauder. They are constantly reminded that; “as students, your opportunity cost is at its lowest”.

Take again the example of Thakkar, his leap of faith came when he was only 15 years of age in high school. He dropped out of school and, a few years later, his company is grossing annual revenues of more than $100 million.

One word to explain this? Passion!!!

Money is not the primary driver of this passion; mainly energy, sense of pure willingness, hard work and desire. It does not matter where you are, North America or Africa, the same characteristics are what’s needed.

And it all bodes well for the African countries. Often thought of as lacking business ethics, the change is evident and promising for African nations. “Africa is open for business” in what has been forecasted as the “century of Africa”. And don’t be surprised if many “Thakkar’s” turn out to be the “Richard Branson’s” of tomorrow!!!

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