Opinion on ‘One for One’ Business Model

The ‘one for one’ business model might seem like a top option, but there are some flaws to this model. I am opposed to this model for one specific reason, of which is in regards to disabling the less fortunate population. By essentially giving these people “handouts”, they become dependant on them and in the long run is not very beneficial to them. I very much agree with the analogy which was stated in the article, “Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime”. Within this analogy, the ‘one for one’ business model would correspond to giving a man a fish. In order to yield more drastic long run improvement, it is necessary to “teach the man to fish”. To provide the less fortunate with the tools necessary to prosper in the long run individually, is a much better strategy, because you’re essentially “teaching the man to fish”, providing him the skills to determine his own success rather than depending on the generosity of consumers is in the best interest of society in the long run.

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