Customizable Fast Food?

In Julian Giannone’s blog post “Mccustomize”, he discusses the proposal from McDonalds to implement electronic kiosks at which customers would be abler to place orders at. The key point to highlight however, is that customers would now be able to customize the way they desire their burger to be built. This may initially seem to some  like a great point of differentiation for McDonalds to capitalize on. However, personally I disagree with this proposed strategy, for several reasons. The first reason being time efficiency. Given the many different customizable options of orders that customer s can choose from, each individual burger must be personalized. This would likely see time being used much less efficiently, eventually leading to longer wait times which would surely leave customers unhappy. Another reason this strategy could be a bad idea is that it could prove to be a venture with higher cost. At the present time, given the fixed amount of each ingredient used in the construction of a burger, management would know the amount of each ingredient to buy given the number of burgers per month. If customization becomes implemented, this efficient use of ingredients will become very difficult to replicate. These are clear potential causes for failure of this proposed strategy.

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