International Business

Shenzhen One Of The Fastest Growing Cities In The World

As mentioned in my previous post, labor cost is getting increasingly expensive in Canada and America. Many firms are looking to outsource production to Asian countries; China in particular.  However, working in different countries involves working with different cultures. In the blog post by Eden Collinsworth, a business deal she was doing with a Chinese business man resulted in him trying to “purchase” her.
In a world where business is becoming increasingly globalized, mainly due to the low labor costs of foreign countries, a clash of cultures is to be expected.  It is important that businessmen take time to learn and understand the other parties’ culture. What is acceptable in one’s culture could be heavily frowned upon in another; a great example would be the case mentioned in this blog. Although the Chinese business man offended Collinsworth, she handled the situation well by acting as if she was flattered.  If the businessman was more rehearsed in western culture, the situation itself would have probably been avoided.
Nowadays, it is even more important to learn the different cultures of the world. Business is becoming increasingly globalized, and becoming comfortable with people with different cultural backgrounds is an important asset. Sauder does a great job of this by being comprised of 47% international students and allowing students to travel to universities in different countries to study.


Work cited: Collinsworth, Eden. “What Happened After a Man in China Tried to Buy Me.” Linkedin. Linkedin, 8 Nov. 2014. Web.

Picture: Sauder. N.d. Vancouver. Institutional | Sauder School of Business. Web. 08 Nov. 2014.

Shenzhen. N.d. Shenzen.


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