Advertising Is Stuck On A Wall


Advertisements are everywhere. New York City, the cultural centre of North America, is a prime example of this. For years in movies, I’ve seen huge posters and lights on walls of towers, and blaring posters advertising everything from food to politicians. It gets difficult to break through the clutter, and companies are constantly trying to outdo one another in every ad they produce.

But this is not always successful. A marketer’s imperative is to identify the target market of their good or service, and this is often easier said than done. Companies take a good long look at their consumers, aggregate huge compilations of data, and try their best to make memorable (often strange) ads that give off the image they want.

It will be interesting to see what brand recognition, brand loyalty, and the usefulness of advertisement will mean for companies in this generation; the generation of internet, TV, and unlimited distraction. Marketers will have to innovate and adhere to even higher standards to keep the diminishing attention spans of the next generation of consumers, of which we make up a good part.

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