Canadian’s changing preferences of alcohol!

RE: Canadians drinking less beer, turning to imported wine: report : Financial Post

When one asks about which type of alcohol that Canadians drink the most, beer is no doubt the answer. However, according to the financial post, consumption of beer has dropped for the last ten years and will continue to drop. Canadians are beginning to change their preference for alcohol and has moved to purchasing wine, most specifically, imported wine.Beer sales in Canada in 2011 is at 45%. Although it is a dominant figure, it has dropped considerably since 52% in 2000. (financial post).

Reported increases in sales of “vodka (five per cent), rum (4.1%) and whisky (2.7%)” lead to an overall increase in spirits purchased in Canada. This ultimately resulting in a decrease in purchases of beer.

Overall, I cannot deny the argument presented by the Financial Post’s article. Especially from a Chinese-canadian with traditional Canadian parents, as the end of the year approaches, it results in more and more family gatherings. This means that my parents will have to make a visit to the liquor store to supply beverages for my visiting relatives. I do notice the overall increase in red and white wines in the shelves versus the beers cooling in the fridge like previous years.

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