Unit 2 Reflection

Upon reflecting on my research journey in creating a LinkedIn profile, I discovered that even with an existing profile, there was a wealth of knowledge to uncover regarding best practices and strategies for becoming a competitive candidate in today’s workforce. Delving into the world of professional social networking, particularly LinkedIn, was an enlightening and enjoyable experience. I have come to appreciate the immense value a well-crafted LinkedIn profile holds for job seekers in the current job market.

The process of brainstorming and preparing my report proposal and outline has proven to be an invaluable exercise for maintaining organization and focus. Having created and disseminated my student surveys, I now feel more equipped and ready to tackle this project. The outline has served as a useful tool for structuring my thoughts and ideas, which in turn, has streamlined the report writing process.

As a second-degree student, I possess a fair understanding of how to compile a formal report. However, I am eager to see the final outcome, as this marks the first time I will be developing a report based on student responses collected personally. It will be intriguing to observe how the gathered data will influence the final product.

The peer review process, particularly reviewing proposals of others, has been instrumental in enhancing my own work. Questions that emerged from their proposals prompted me to recognize areas in my proposal that required clarification, such as the survey’s mode. This experience has been beneficial in pinpointing potential weaknesses in my writing while gaining insights from another perspective to ensure my writing remains clear and concise.

In summary, the peer review process has been instrumental in exposing areas of improvement in my writing, ultimately contributing to the development of my writing skills. I have been pleasantly surprised by the caliber of my peers’ work and the diverse viewpoints they have presented. As I proceed with the report writing process, I will make a conscious effort to elaborate on the details of my proposed solution in the final report and have already revised the target audience. The peer review experience has profoundly impacted my perception of my writing abilities, and I eagerly anticipate further growth and development in the upcoming unit.

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