Author Archives: chrisw21

Course Reflection

Going into ENGL 301, I was uncertain about what a technical communication class entailed. Yet, the in-depth guidance and collaborative structure of the course helped me grasp entirely new concepts. In the process, I expanded my horizons and refined my professional communication abilities.

Throughout the term, I came to appreciate the critical role that attentiveness and revision play in producing quality work. Even when I believed I had a firm grasp of the guidelines and course content, feedback from classmates and instructors frequently highlighted areas I had missed. This experience taught me the importance of taking a step back, reassessing, and refining my work. A key lesson I learned was that investing time in polishing my work can lead to a far more impressive final product. The course showed me that making mistakes is acceptable, as long as I learn and grow from them.

At the beginning of the course, I found it challenging to accept constructive criticism. However, as the term progressed and peer evaluations became a routine part of the learning process, I understood that feedback is vital for personal and professional growth. I started to view feedback not as criticism but as a tool for improvement and growth. By engaging in collaborative reviews, I also realized that having areas for improvement is common. We all made errors and collectively helped each other identify and address them, providing the support I needed. I also discovered the value of reviewing my classmates’ work, as it exposed me to their unique strengths and approaches that I could apply to my own work.

Throughout ENGL 301, I refined my professional communication skills, from updating my LinkedIn profile to crafting an application package. I now feel more confident in presenting myself professionally across various contexts, such as job applications, interactions with professors, and everyday workplace communication. These skills will be invaluable in my future endeavors, no matter which industry I ultimately choose.

One of the most rewarding aspects of this course was the opportunity to work in groups and collaborate with my classmates. I learned a great deal from reading their work and receiving feedback on my own. My writing team, for instance, helped me improve my design sensibilities and objectivity within my formal report. I gained valuable insights from Elly’s design and composition skills and Long’s feedback on my report proposal, which encouraged me to widen my research scope and remain open to unforeseen information. I am grateful for the chance to work with such skilled individuals and am confident that the lessons I learned from them will benefit me in the future.

Participating in ENGL 301 proved to be a transformative experience for me. The course allowed me to grow not only professionally but also personally. I am grateful for the knowledge and skills I acquired and look forward to applying them in a variety of professional and educational settings.

Unit 3 Reflection

Unit Three helped us work on our business writing skills and taught us how to create a formal report. In this unit, I learned how to keep a professional tone by using the “You-Attitude.” This method focuses on understanding the reader’s point of view, showing respect, and staying positive. These skills are important for good communication in any business writing situation.

One of the main tasks in this unit was to write a draft for a formal report. I decided to look into sleep education at UBC. To get the information I needed, I did surveys UBC students. Collecting data and analyzing the results was interesting. However, it was worrying to find out that many students have sleep problems because of academic pressure and involvement in extracurricular activities. This made me realize how important it is to deal with sleep education at UBC and promote healthy sleep habits.

Writing the formal report was a very fruitful experience –  it helped me get better at doing research and analyzing data. I learned how to put data together in a way that makes sense and how to present it clearly and briefly. Getting feedback from other students during the peer review stage was also helpful, as it let me learn from their writing.

In addition to the primary learning objectives of Unit Three, I also found the process of reflection to be particularly beneficial. Throughout this unit, I frequently evaluated my progress, identifying areas of strength and noting aspects that required improvement. This self-assessment encouraged me to adjust my approach and adapt my writing style to better suit the demands of business writing.

Another important aspect of this unit was collaborating with my peers. Engaging in discussions and exchanging ideas with fellow students allowed me to expand my perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of various approaches to sleep education at UBC. This collaborative environment fostered a sense of community, making the learning experience more enjoyable and enriching.

Furthermore, I realized the value of time management and effective planning during the formal report writing process. Balancing research, data analysis, and report drafting with other academic and unexpected, serious life events reinforced the importance of setting priorities and establishing a realistic timeline for project completion. This experience has enhanced my organizational skills, which I can apply to future academic and professional projects.

In conclusion, Unit Three has not only honed my business writing skills and formal report composition abilities, but it has also provided me with opportunities for self-reflection, peer collaboration, and improved time management. I am eager to carry these learnings forward and apply them to future units and throughout my professional endeavors.

Unit 2 Reflection

Upon reflecting on my research journey in creating a LinkedIn profile, I discovered that even with an existing profile, there was a wealth of knowledge to uncover regarding best practices and strategies for becoming a competitive candidate in today’s workforce. Delving into the world of professional social networking, particularly LinkedIn, was an enlightening and enjoyable experience. I have come to appreciate the immense value a well-crafted LinkedIn profile holds for job seekers in the current job market.

The process of brainstorming and preparing my report proposal and outline has proven to be an invaluable exercise for maintaining organization and focus. Having created and disseminated my student surveys, I now feel more equipped and ready to tackle this project. The outline has served as a useful tool for structuring my thoughts and ideas, which in turn, has streamlined the report writing process.

As a second-degree student, I possess a fair understanding of how to compile a formal report. However, I am eager to see the final outcome, as this marks the first time I will be developing a report based on student responses collected personally. It will be intriguing to observe how the gathered data will influence the final product.

The peer review process, particularly reviewing proposals of others, has been instrumental in enhancing my own work. Questions that emerged from their proposals prompted me to recognize areas in my proposal that required clarification, such as the survey’s mode. This experience has been beneficial in pinpointing potential weaknesses in my writing while gaining insights from another perspective to ensure my writing remains clear and concise.

In summary, the peer review process has been instrumental in exposing areas of improvement in my writing, ultimately contributing to the development of my writing skills. I have been pleasantly surprised by the caliber of my peers’ work and the diverse viewpoints they have presented. As I proceed with the report writing process, I will make a conscious effort to elaborate on the details of my proposed solution in the final report and have already revised the target audience. The peer review experience has profoundly impacted my perception of my writing abilities, and I eagerly anticipate further growth and development in the upcoming unit.

Email Message Request to Prospective Member

To: Elly Kim

From: Chris Wu

Subject: ENGL301 Team Request / Invitation

Date: Feb. 3, 2023

Dear Elly Kim,

I hope this email finds you well. I was impressed with your background in Advanced Material Engineering and business communication skills, and I believe your skills and experience would be a valuable asset to our team. Your ability to produce well-researched and detailed analysis would be a great addition, as well as your eye for detail and strong writing skills.

I am eager to join forces with you and the rest of the team and I am certain that I can bring my writing abilities and attention to detail to the table. I am confident that I will be a valuable asset to the team’s success.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and the team in ENGL301.


Chris Wu


Email Message Request to Prospective Member

To: Long Yu

From: Chris Wu

Subject: ENGL301 Team Invitation / Request

Date: Feb 3, 2023

Dear Long Yu,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my interest in joining your technical writing team for ENGL301.

I would love the opportunity to work with you and the team, and I believe I can bring my own unique skills and experience to the table. I am a strong writer and have a keen eye for detail, and I am confident that I can contribute to the team’s success.

After reviewing your background in Kinesiology and your experience in product management, sales, and customer service, I am confident that your skills and knowledge will make a valuable contribution to the team. I am particularly impressed with your intercultural knowledge and ability to communicate effectively in English, which I believe will be a great asset.

Please let me know if you are open to having me join the team, and I would be happy to discuss further details and my qualifications.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to the opportunity to work with the team.

Best regards,

Chris Wu



To: Erika Paterson

From: Chris Wu

Date: January 27, 2023

Subject: Confirmation of Application Letter Submission

I have completed and revised my letter of application for a position on the English 301 professional writing team, and I have posted it on my student blog. I am forwarding this memo and a copy of the letter for your convenience.

The letter of application outlines:

  • My experiences and the skills I have gained from it.
  • Some examples of my work philosophy.

Thank you for considering my application letter. Please let me know if you need any further information. I eagerly await your response.



Letter of Application

Dear Engl 301 classmates,

I am writing to express my interest in becoming a member of a professional writing team for the duration of the semester in your English 301 Technical Writing class. As a computer science student, I have strong analytical and technical writing skills that I believe would make me a valuable asset to the team.

In terms of my professional interests, I am passionate about technology and am currently pursuing a degree in computer science. I have worked on image recognition technology, and I am currently collaborating with an ophthalmologist to develop an application that detects glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and macular diseases from retinal images. Furthermore, my volunteer experience at the Vancouver CrisisCentre has improved my communication skills, giving me the opportunity to gain new perspectives as I communicated with people from diverse backgrounds and in a variety of challenging situations.

In terms of my writing skills and work habits, I consider myself to be a strong writer with a keen attention to detail. I always strive to produce high-quality work and I am particularly skilled in technical writing, having written a scientific thesis in my previous degree. My learning philosophy is centered around active participation and collaboration, as I believe that working with others allows for the exchange of ideas and leads to a more comprehensive understanding of the material.



