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Monthly Archives: September 2013

Why Renren fails to be Facebook of China?

Almost all the college students know about a social network, Renren. Advised by senior students, freshmen’s first thing after paying tuition fee is to register on Renren. Because of the college background, and the real-name system, Renren was ever called Facebook of China. When Renren went public in the US one year ahead of the US social network, investors gave it a valuation multiple of more than double what Facebook traded at in private markets. However, since that listed 2011, […]

Business Ethics: ‘I Don’t Want Ice In My Drinks!’

In June, the ice cubes used for drinks of restaurants were sampled for hygiene test in Beijing. The result was disappointing. It was reported that the number of ice bacterial colony of sampled ice highly exceeded the national standard. In a simple word, the ice we can see in our daily drinks is even dirtier than toilet water. Some famous restaurants with good reputation, ever, such as Mcdonald’s, KFC, Pizza Hut, Kung Fu (a popular Chinese fast food restaurant), and […]

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