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Monthly Archives: October 2013

The success of games created for Android and iOS

Playing games on handheld devices has become an important part of people’s lives. In the beginning, Sony and Nintendo are famous for Playstation Portable (PSP) and Nintendo DS (NDS), which dominated the market of handheld game devices for a long time. However, as the smart phones evolve in an amazing speed and become popular because of the decreasing average cost of producing, people have more alternatives of playing handheld games devices.  Google’s Android and Apple’s iOs, two of main game […]

BlackBerry – ‘sailing off a cliff’

BlackBerry has get into a bad predicament. Recently, the stock price of BlackBerry has fallen to the company’s liquidation value, and BlackBerry also declared a quarterly loss that neared $1 billion. What is more, BlackBerry announced plans to reduce workforce by 4,500. In addition, BlackBerry is thinking about selling off a number of its office buildings in the Waterloo region. What happened to BlackBerry, one of the most famous cell phone brand in the world? From my perspective, BlackBerry is […]

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