Review: The Success of League of Legends

@Xie, Zheran has shared some viewpoints about the success of an online game that is extremely popular no matter in North America or China. Xie’s opinions are really convincing, and I think there are more things we can learn from the great success of Riot, the creator of League of Legends. Here I would like to share my perspective as a player of League of Legends myself.

One of the most famous Internet entrepreneur, Jack Ma, has ever said,”If you want to succeed in the Internet industry, you should tell yourself that all of your potential customers are stingy, impatient, irritable, and foolish. You will succeed once these people satisfy your service”. I totally agree with Jack Ma’s saying, and I believe that Riot understand it clearly.

To begin with, everybody loves free things, especially the Internet users show more interest. For example, Napster is condemned by all the artists and journalism. However, for now, to be honest, who really pays for the authorized retailers? On the other hand, Riot do it in a right way that attracts a lot of players without any criticism.

Easy to play is another reason which made League of Legends succeed. In this way, Riot successfully expand its market, and attracts an increasing number of players. What is more important, these players really enjoys playing League of Legends. It reminds of a game I ever played on computer. It is really amazing technically, yet it is a failure from the perspective of a good. I can’t even finish the first level of this game! In contrast, League of Legends is an incredible work from this point.

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