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Review: Snapchat turned down another offer??

@Josheph have blogged that Snapchat turned down a 3 billion dollars acquisition from Facebook. He stated that Snapchat should have accepted the offer because Snapchat has no revenue source. However, I do not agree with his viewpoint. To begin with, let me share a story with you. Over three decades ago, a talented student from Stanford is asked to purchase bra for his wife. This guy was definitely embarrassed. Therefore, he took a $40,000 bank loan and borrowed $40,000 from his […]

Review: The Success of League of Legends

@Xie, Zheran has shared some viewpoints about the success of an online game that is extremely popular no matter in North America or China. Xie’s opinions are really convincing, and I think there are more things we can learn from the great success of Riot, the creator of League of Legends. Here I would like to share my perspective as a player of League of Legends myself. One of the most famous Internet entrepreneur, Jack Ma, has ever said,”If you want […]

Developing too fast, good or bad?

Twitter achieved great success with IPO, which makes many employees of Twitter become millionaires. Most of Twitter’s employees love their company. However, nothing is perfect. A number of Twitter’s employees started to complain about Twitter because it grows too fast. In general, people think that growing at a fast speed is a good thing; why do the employees complain about it?   “Starting to feel like a big company, losing the startup feel”. “Distributed office workers can sometimes feel disconnected […]

Is it worth that much?

Mark Zuckerburg recently tried to spend $3 billion cash on a company that only has an application sending disappearing photos instead of any revenues. In the first place, it is really astonishing that Facebook is willing to pay so much money, which triples the value of Instagram. What is more incredible, the company has rejected the $3 billion offer from Facebook. The company is well known as Snapchat. Snapchat is so popular among young people, and it is the biggest […]

Instagram advertisement shows big potential

Recently,at the GigaOm Roadmap conference, Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom said that more than 5 percent of impressions they run on the ads resulted in Likes. A Michael Kors watch, which is advertised on Instagram, is successful in reaching over 6 million people. Systrom stated that over 5 percent of Likes is an amazing result for running an advertisement because most advertisements on the internet are ignored by people. Although more than 20 percent of comments that are negative strongly contrast with […]

1 Day, 35 Billion

  Taobao, one of the five companies founded by Jack Ma, recently reached an astonishing sale record. Taobao generated sales of 35 billion RMB ($5.8 billion) on 11th November by a promotional campaign. This record doubles the sale record of November 11 with the same promotional campaign of last year. In addition, the total revenue of eBay for the 3rd quarter of 2013 is $3.9 billion.   Making such a miracle of one-day sales is not accidental for Taobao. In […]

The success of games created for Android and iOS

Playing games on handheld devices has become an important part of people’s lives. In the beginning, Sony and Nintendo are famous for Playstation Portable (PSP) and Nintendo DS (NDS), which dominated the market of handheld game devices for a long time. However, as the smart phones evolve in an amazing speed and become popular because of the decreasing average cost of producing, people have more alternatives of playing handheld games devices.  Google’s Android and Apple’s iOs, two of main game […]

BlackBerry – ‘sailing off a cliff’

BlackBerry has get into a bad predicament. Recently, the stock price of BlackBerry has fallen to the company’s liquidation value, and BlackBerry also declared a quarterly loss that neared $1 billion. What is more, BlackBerry announced plans to reduce workforce by 4,500. In addition, BlackBerry is thinking about selling off a number of its office buildings in the Waterloo region. What happened to BlackBerry, one of the most famous cell phone brand in the world? From my perspective, BlackBerry is […]

Why Renren fails to be Facebook of China?

Almost all the college students know about a social network, Renren. Advised by senior students, freshmen’s first thing after paying tuition fee is to register on Renren. Because of the college background, and the real-name system, Renren was ever called Facebook of China. When Renren went public in the US one year ahead of the US social network, investors gave it a valuation multiple of more than double what Facebook traded at in private markets. However, since that listed 2011, […]

Business Ethics: ‘I Don’t Want Ice In My Drinks!’

In June, the ice cubes used for drinks of restaurants were sampled for hygiene test in Beijing. The result was disappointing. It was reported that the number of ice bacterial colony of sampled ice highly exceeded the national standard. In a simple word, the ice we can see in our daily drinks is even dirtier than toilet water. Some famous restaurants with good reputation, ever, such as Mcdonald’s, KFC, Pizza Hut, Kung Fu (a popular Chinese fast food restaurant), and […]

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