Banana Paper—Innovative but Unpratical


In 1989, the well known “banana paper company” TNF Eco Paper created a new way to make paper—by using banana. The company chooses natural fibers from banana, coffee, hemp, lemon and other exotic tropical agro-industrial wastes. This tree-free paper product helps Eco Paper Company gain huge success.

When I first saw the banana paper, I feel it is amazing. Banana paper is quite a new and creative idea and it is able to relieve the environmental destruction. There are much less competitors in this market who sale similar goods. Meanwhile, since the manufacturing method turns more mature, customers are able to choose different raw materials of the paper, such like mango paper, coffee paper and so on.

However, I believe the eco natural paper market is not as mature as many people think. The tree-free paper is a little bit rough and sometimes people cannot use it in daily life. If you put a piece of banana paper in your printer, it will ruin your printer. This green papermaking process need more promotion to better market and deliver to customers.


Google’s organization culture


Culture is one company’s personality and soul. It is undoubted that Google has a very strong and powerful organization culture, which lead it to the way of success.

When you enter a random office in Google, you will see swings, sofas, and other furniture that would never appear in office area in other companies. Google creates a very free atmosphere for its employees, to let employees feel untrammeled and dig their creativity. One of Google’s core value is “You can be serious without a suit”. Google aims to drive innovation and creativity from employees and meet employees’ need in working space. Employees are able to make changes about their programs if they feel it can work better in that way. Everyone in Google is equal like the story happened in Google “if you want, you can share a office with CEO”. Google offers free working atmosphere, free flowing of employee, 20% of free time and free communication with each other.

Strong and powerful organization culture is soul of a company. Firms should establish their own cultures and deliver them to their employees to reinforce firms’ structure.

New Coffee: A Contradiction of Tim Hortons?


Alex Butler posted a blog which illustrates the opinion about Tim Hortons launched a new dark roast coffee. In Alex’s blog, it is quite obvious that Tim Hortons experiences an inverse stage from what its CEO announced several months ago–simplify the menu.

It is quite true that, Tim Hortons can keep its value proposition by cutting menu. Tim Hortons tries to provide a convient, quick and cheap coffee. Shortening menu is an effective approach to achieve this. However, the generation of a new coffee breaks the words what Marc Caira said. Like what Alex wrote in blog, expanding the variety of products, inversely, making the process of making coffee longer and more complex. But what I think is that, Tim Hortons should give up some relatively unpopular products, to provide a faster service, it still can generate  a new product to cater customers’ changing flavor. The reality is, launching a new product can help Tim Hortons to know customers’ current needs, which would help Tim Hortons to adjust its suppply chain and deliver better service to customers.


see more details in Alex Bulter’s blog: