New Coffee: A Contradiction of Tim Hortons?


Alex Butler posted a blog which illustrates the opinion about Tim Hortons launched a new dark roast coffee. In Alex’s blog, it is quite obvious that Tim Hortons experiences an inverse stage from what its CEO announced several months ago–simplify the menu.

It is quite true that, Tim Hortons can keep its value proposition by cutting menu. Tim Hortons tries to provide a convient, quick and cheap coffee. Shortening menu is an effective approach to achieve this. However, the generation of a new coffee breaks the words what Marc Caira said. Like what Alex wrote in blog, expanding the variety of products, inversely, making the process of making coffee longer and more complex. But what I think is that, Tim Hortons should give up some relatively unpopular products, to provide a faster service, it still can generate  a new product to cater customers’ changing flavor. The reality is, launching a new product can help Tim Hortons to know customers’ current needs, which would help Tim Hortons to adjust its suppply chain and deliver better service to customers.


see more details in Alex Bulter’s blog:

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