Part 1 Steve Job’s commencement – Connect the dots

In Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address, Steve Jobs delivered a thought-provoking speech at Stanford University’s graduation ceremonies. Steve Jobs mentioned the importance of connecting the dots. His experience of dropping out of a college and instead taking a calligraphy course at Reed College was anxiety-generating and even frightening, but now he confidently and unambiguously confirmed that it was the best decision he had ever made. After learning typography, he added that system to the first Macintosh computer, the one that gained him recognition. “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.” In a business area, when we start a new one or when we learn skills to expand our knowledge, we don’t know what these skills and unceasing efforts will bring us. However, if we believe that the dots will be connected and trust our intuition, our destiny, our life karma, then “Fortune will favor the prepared mind.” It will make a difference in the end!


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